Knight Hair & Beauty 01580 766100
 Knight Hair & Beauty01580 766100 

Our Hair Prices (Up to 50% off NEW YEAR SALES) call for details! 

January 2024 appointments booked between now and the end of December 2023. Offers working with our selected stylists.

Ladies styling

Cut and style  From £50.00
Cut and Set  From £50.00
Shampoo and cut (short) From £28.50
Shampoo and cut (long) From £32.00
Blow dry From £24.50
Permanent wave From £54.00
Spiral Perm  By quotation
Bridal hairstyling By quotation
Hair Extensions By quotation

Ladies tinting 


Highlights From £ 48.50
Creative colour By quotation
Scalp bleach From £49.00
Regrowth £45.00
Full head full colour £ 56.00
Semi permanent colour £ 51.00

Children under 5 years

Shampoo and cut £8.00
Cut only £5.00

Children 5 to 10 years

Shampoo and cut £18.00
Cut only £14.50

Children 11 to 16 years

Shampoo and cut £24.00
Cut only £20.00

Would you like a specific haircut or style?

Then simply call us on: 01580 766100

"It was a blonde.  A blonde to make a bishop kick a hole in a stained-glass window".  ~Raymond Chandler

If you would you like to make an appointment by phone or email. 

Call us on: 01580 766100

Or email

Find your style with us at:

Knight Hair & Beauty

7 The Fairings,
TN30 6QX


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